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Strictly Come Dancing - Series 11, Week 4 [Review]

Last night, week 4 of Series 11 of Strictly Come Dancing aired, and it was up to the contestants to perform one unlearned dance. And oh sweet lord, were some of them horrific (here's looking at you Dave!). Fortunately, the night kicked off with Sophie and Brendan, who were dancing the foxtrot, and boy was it beautiful. Sophie seems to possess a sense of elegance and grace that some other contestants are seriously lacking. Herself and Brendan manage to make even the least engaging dances thoroughly enjoyable to watch and there's just something about those two that make watching them a delight. Sophie performed the dance beautifully, scoring three 9's and making her total a highly respectable 35. 

Unfortunately, poor Anton and his partner Fiona had to follow that, and needless to say - it wasn't great. Poor Fiona made a mess of pretty much the whole thing, after starting off fairly reasonably. The judges picked up on it, and Fiona questioned how many mistakes there were, leaving Len a bit snappy. Bad move. Their dance was a bit all over the place, and they scored the lowest of the night: a 22. 

Up next was the comedy duo, I mean dancers, Mark and Iveta. And this week it seems like they were really pushy the novelty factor to cover up the fact that Mark can seriously not dance at all. Like at all. It was all a bit cringe-worthy and while the audiences may have found it hilarious, it wasn't really a cha-cha-cha and Craig seemed to be the only one who hadn't lost his mind completely. 

He scored a highly apt 3, whilst the other judges must have been a bit too caught up in the moment and scored him 8's and 7's (giving him a total of 26) I mean seriously?! So that was one less than Sophie's? I mean really? Anyway, moving on, up next was Ashley and Ola. Their dance was ok, and he really is quite an accomplished dancer, and their Viennese Waltz scored 31. 

Crazy Julien and his adorable partner Janette were up next, and all I can say is thank god for Janette. She is much more interesting to watch than her partner, and I always find myself clinging to her dance moves to get me through the moment. Their Salsa scored 23, which still put them above Fiona and Anton. Next up was Rachel and Pasha, performing a safe-cracking routine for their quickstep. Rachel was ok, but of course, she had some errors but still managed to score a 26. Whilst the judges were making comments on Rachel and Pasha's dance, however, came one of the funniest moments of the show. 

There were multiple jokes about Craig's hips (in reference to his hip operation), and after Craig made a comment about how Rachel needs to 'clench her buttocks,' Len told Craig that he'd be 'clenching his buttocks' tomorrow, when they did his hip. This prompted an array of hysterical laughter from Bruno, who in his fit of laughter, fell off his chair and dived right under the table. All the judges erupted in hilarious giggles and laughter, and even when it came to scoring, Bruno was still giggling away to himself. The whole thing was thoroughly entertaining. Ben and Kristina were next, and their salsa had a fair amount of rhythm, scoring them a 31. Next up were Deborah and Robin; the latter donning a ridiculous looking wig for the performance. Their lacklustre jive scored them only a 23.

Next up was this week's sob story, Natalie and Artem - who don't seem to have the likeability factor amongst audiences. This might be down to their dances being relatively boring and there is an air of unfortunate smugness that I can't seem to wipe away from their dances. Their Quickstep scored a 35, the same as Sophie and Brendan. Patrick and Anya were next and scored a 33 for their energetic Cha-Cha-Cha. 

Abbey and Aljaz were next, and their tango was relatively dull as well - it all felt a bit short and whilst the timing was accurate, it lacked that sparkle. They too scored 35, which was a bit of a over-marking for me. Dave and Karen were next, and their Waltz, too, was fairly short and obviously, Dave's dancing wasn't great. However, their dance managed to score them a 23, still above Fiona and Anton. Susanna and Kevin were the last couple of the night, performing a Samba, which had a few mistakes in it and something just didn't seem right for Susanna, who usually performs her dances accurately. 

They scored a 29 overall. Therefore, at the end of the night, the bottom couples were Fiona and Anton, Julien and Janette and Deborah and Robin, whilst the top couples were Sophie and Brendan, Abbey and Aljaz and Natalie and Artem. So, what did you think of Week 4's dances? Who was your favourite of the night? 

Reviewed by Mel. 

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