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What is Tokyo Like? Things to Love About Japan’s Capital City

Whilst Japan requires more than one visit to cover its vast grounds, there is no better introduction than jumping headfirst into its huge capital – the buzzing Tokyo metropolis.

The city holds a tremendous amount of fascination, and a reputation of uniqueness, modern boldness merged with tradition and order to what would be typically chaotic, prompting many to wonder what it is like in Tokyo.

For over a week, Tokyo was home; a new landscape ready for me to lose myself in like Scarlett Johansson’s character in the film ‘Lost in Translation’. It didn’t intimidate or frustrate me; it just made me love it for the things that you don’t see elsewhere, for its little quirks and bizarre offerings and for not losing its traditions in light of it’s rapid, modern growth.

So, what does Tokyo look like? How does it function? What is Tokyo known for? What are the places to visit in Tokyo that give the best glimpses into Tokyo life?

Here’s my top pick of 17 reasons why I love Tokyo city, and what makes it so very different and unique to travel in.

Metropolis street scene of Tokyo, the capital of Japan

What is Tokyo Like? A Guide on Things to Love About Japan’s Capital City

Main road in Tokyo with a bus on the road and the Tokyo Skytree tower in the background

READ MORE: How Much Does it Cost to Travel in Japan?

Why is Tokyo so CLEAN?

Tokyo is so clean to the point where it almost looks brand new. Not one scrap of rubbish is strewn on the pathways or dropped as litter. No large bin bags are left festering for collection. The ‘five-second’ rule of eating something dropped on the floor could turn into the ‘five-minute’ practice, and no graffiti covers an old wall or alleyway. Tokyo cleanliness even extends to dedicated smoking areas, to contain the littering of cigarettes.

When you visit Tokyo, you’ll get a window into the future where people respect their surroundings. It’s as clinical as Singapore, just with more character.

Four women on a street in modern Tokyo, Japan. Two are holding umbrellas, standing next to a cluster of four blue and white street signs

The roads, the pavements – everything is clean in Tokyo.

A man put his waste into one of the dedicated cigarette smoking stations in Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo is so clean it even has dedicated cigarette smoking stations.

ETIQUETTE in Tokyo is a Big Deal

The Japanese are polite, welcoming and follow a rigid etiquette that you should try to uphold too. Unlike most cities where people often become a little uptight, Tokyo hasn’t lost its civility. Tokyo people follow the same etiquette. Bowing when saying hello and thank you is the norm, as is giving and receiving items and gifts with both hands.

Even when it comes to paying, you should place the money in the plastic tray provided, and it’s where the cashier will return your change. Guesthouse owners go out of their way for you and shop workers are some of the cheeriest people you will meet. It is a beautiful thing to encounter daily in Tokyo and beyond, so these Japan tips for first-timers might come in handy to prepare you for the new cultural nuances.

A long and orderly line of young people outside a building in Tokyo decorated with blue clouds. Two older women walk past them in the opposite direction to the queue.

Forming an orderly queue in Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo’s Shops Have an ABUNDANCE of Everything

I’m not talking about huge shopping malls, but convenience stores and those little specialist shops that sell household, lifestyle or beauty goods. Except they are not that small – these are shops that sell a more extensive plethora of products that you’ve ever seen and in a whole heap of different varieties. It’s fascinating, and choosing out here must take hours! The aisles are sometimes decked out in handcrafted neon coloured signs and posters to point you in the right direction, although it’s still difficult enough to know where to start. No matter how many times I walked past one of these shops, I still went in them, even though they all look the same.

The full stocked shelves of a beauty store in Tokyo, Japan. Three people are browsing the large amount of products

This is what shopping in Tokyo looks like.

The Pedestrian Walkways in Tokyo City are HUGE

Tokyo doesn’t just have standard pedestrian walkways; it has enormous pedestrian walkways. Tokyo doesn’t care too much for footbridges and funky walkways a la Hong Kong and Bangkok – it creates an artistic vision of beautiful chaos on its roads only. Take the famous Shibuya Crossing as an example – hundreds of people in Tokyo cross at any one time in a calm and orderly way. In places like Shinjuku, some uniformed men help ease the people traffic flow on the thick, white lines that line many parts of the many roads out here.

Hundreds of people cross the large pedestrian crossing in Tokyo, Japan

Crossing the road in Tokyo is less chaotic than it looks.

There’s a lot of THEMED Cafes in Tokyo and a Robot Restaurant

What is Tokyo without its quirks and oddities? It wouldn’t be the same city without them, and one of those is in the form of its many themed restaurants and cafes.  There are cat, robot and Super Mario cafes, Vampire, Ninja and Alice in Wonderland restaurants, and many more besides. I decided to have dinner at the Alcatraz ER restaurant, where you sit behind prison bars and bang on them with a metal rod to call attention to the waiter. My cocktail was made with syringes and my food served by eccentric doctors and nurses—crazy times.

READ MORE: The Robot Restaurant in Tokyo, Japan. A Futuristic Foodie Experience


WATCH: My Experience at the Robot Restaurant in Tokyo

Three people walk past a black building, decorated with a gold eagle - one of the many themed cafes in Tokyo, Japan

Themed cafes and restaurants in Tokyo are a highlight of travel here

A man sits in a makeshift cell inside the red painted Alcatraz themed cafe in Tokyo, Japan

People in Tokyo Have a UNIQUE Fashion Sense

I’ve wanted to visit Harajuku since Gwen Stefani sang about the “subculture in a kaleidoscope of fashion” and which made my curiosity grow. Were these people real? Harajuku girls certainly do have “a wicked style”, and whilst you will find all manner of individual fashion styles throughout the city, nothing says unique quite like this enclave of the city, with Sunday being the best day for people watching. Little Boo Peeps, Goths, best friends who wear the same outfit head to toe and the trend of wearing a bath towel around your neck all exist here. Throw in funky hairstyles, doll makeup and a few traditional yukatas (kimonos), and you would think this is a giant fancy dress party at a shopping district. Except it isn’t – these young Tokyo locals wear their unique style with pride, and they certainly get the attention.

Two girls with matching school outfits and black and pink suitcases walk down the road in Tokyo, Japan showcasing unique fashion. A woman is getting off her bicycle next to them.

Two girls wearing matching blue and white checkered towels with black writing - Harajuku girls in Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Architecture is NEAT, Compact and Functional

I love architecture – from grandiose skyscrapers to local houses with style, made of a tin shack. In Tokyo, and throughout Japan, the majority of the residential buildings here are compact and neat. They are either small and very square or tall and rectangular thin, exist in varying shades of coffee, caramel and grey and neatly placed together. It makes Tokyo look like it was only built ten years ago by someone obsessed with a passion for beige. Although Tokyo has its area of skyscrapers and modern architecture, the overwhelming feeling here is for design to be functional and straightforward, rather than used as a showpiece.

A small, quiet street with typical box style houses found in Tokyo, Japan. A blue motorcycle rests against the wall.

Residential areas in Tokyo are an exciting contrast to the high rise buildings.

A man walks down a residential street of Tokyo, Japan with neat, compact box design buildings

A man of a bike cycles past an old, wooden house found in Tokyo, Japan

In Your Face ADVERTISING on Tokyo Buildings

A sign on the front of a shop or other outlet is not enough here. Instead, signs protrude from the sides of buildings, overwhelming you in a sea of choice and Japanese characters. In the areas like Shinjuku, Shibuya and Ginzo, where facilities have more than one floor, there may be as many as six signs denoting the different uses of each floor including restaurants, bars, beauty salons etc. Which means many signs – up, down and all around. And nothing is more impressive than when night comes in, and all the symbols light up like a psychedelic version of Times Square.

Overt black, white and yellow signage and advertising on buildings in Tokyo, Japam

Large and bold advertising on red and white buildings in Tokyo, Japan

A HAPPY and Calm Tokyo Metro

I love the metro / underground train – in London, Paris, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, each has its unique style. The Tokyo metro is something special. There’s no chaos (outside of commuter hours); no one is in a rush, or runs and pushes on the trains and escalators. There’s a cute tune that plays when the train stops at every single station stop, where you listen in the hope to pick up a new song. And, there are even mirrors at some platforms, just in case you need to make sure you fit in with the style of the Tokyo crowd. The only downside here is the long walks between the lines, but the cheesy tune puts a smile right back on your face.

A mass of people walking through the Tokyo metro system in Japan under endless rows of signs with platforms numbers and arrows

Looks confusing, right? But the Tokyo metro system is ordered despite its size.

Tokyo Transport is ON TIME

Japan is a country of expert timekeeping and Tokyo, despite its frantic city status, still adheres to the rule. I’m a Londoner, and this NEVER happens, so imagine being in a place where if a train is due to arrive at 15.34, it pulls in at 15.34 and 40 seconds and leaves at 15.34.

A local informed me that if a train is late, then you can request a ticket from the platform inspector, which states how many minutes the train was late. You can then present it to your employer. There’s no messing here.

However, it can be a panic when you have to meet a Japanese friend. I was nearly 10 minutes late meeting somebody at a station (to be fair, I got lost), and I felt terrible – tardiness is not at all respected.

A yellow taxi drives down a wide road in Tokyo, with modern high rise and glass buildings either side

PLASTIC FOOD in Tokyo – All About the Preview

Plastic food in Tokyo (and wider Japan) for a preview is one of the best inventions ever created, especially in a country where there is a huge language barrier for us visitors. It reminds me of when I was a kid and used to play with this material that you shaped and put in the oven to harden. I got to make food for my Barbie dolls, but this is far more skilled than that.  If you are not sure what to order or are curious as to what your dish contains, fear not – the plastic food mock-up will show you precisely what you will be purchasing. It looks scarily similar.

Plastic food dishes are placed casually out the front of the restaurants or lined up in the shop windows. There’s even a plastic re-creation of every cake and cookie available in specialist confectionary shops too. Plastic fantastic.

Plastic food on display at the front window of a Japanese restaurant

Can’t communicate in Japanese? Don’t know what to order? Plastic food displays in Japan have you covered.

VENDING MACHINES on Every Tokyo Street Corner

If you were to ask what Japan looks like, vending machines would likely make the description list. The Japanese LOVE vending machines, and you will see them on every street corner, train and bus stations and even near shines and public parks. The same goes for Tokyo. Some small restaurants also have a style of vending machine where you select your meal, pay and present your ticket to the waitress, the same with some of the ‘Love Hotels’. It’s all a part of the Japanese attribute of being super organised and time-efficient.

A man at one of a row of vending machines found all over the streets of Tokyo, Japan

For time efficiency, vending machines can be found all over the streets of Tokyo.

Tokyo People – Everyone is HELPFUL

Even with the extreme language barrier, a Tokyo local will always try to help you in the best way they can. Every time I have asked for directions, the person hasn’t just pointed, they have walked me right to the spot – whether that’s the right train platform or a destination that’s a 10-minute walk away. Others happily get out their mobile phones and get technical with GPS. For a nation of people who strictly adhere to time, they always have time for you. For the kindness of strangers, arigato (thank you), Japan.

A Japanese man reads his fortune from a long sheet of white paper at a temple in Tokyo, Japan

Tradition still EXISTS in Tokyo City

Tokyo might be a modern city, but there are still areas that have kept with traditional designs and layouts. From the Imperial Place grounds in Marunouchi and the Sensō-Ji temple in Asakusa, the charming ‘old atmosphere’ neighbourhoods of Kagurazaka and Ueno, to the restoration and continuation of the Ryokan houses as forms of accommodation, the traditions, architecture and character of aged Japan still poke through Tokyo’s contemporary canvas. This isn’t just another concrete jungle.

A Traditional red, multi-tiered Japanese temple in modern Tokyo, Japan

You Can Drink in Tokyo’s TINY BARS

The Shinjuku Golden Gai of Tokyo is known for its small cosy bars at street level, tucked away down a compact area of narrow streets. These tiny alleyway bars are often eclectic, loud, filled with junk that could tell a lifetime of stories and marked by neon lights. Some are even attached to the owners’ house. For a real, local experience, squeeze your way into a bar at Golden Gai and come away with some great stories.

A Japanese man and western woman drinking a bottle of beer in a bar in Shinjuku Golden Gai Tokyo

You haven’t seen Tokyo until you’ve had a drink in a tiny bar in Golden Gai.

People walking down the narrow alleyways of bars with lit neon signs in Golden Gai, Tokyo, Japan

Dare to Enter Tokyo’s EAR-SPLITTING Pachinkos

I’ve lost count of how many of these ground vibrating, rackety and deafening arcades I walked by or wandered around in fascination. A Pachinko, as it is formally known, refers explicitly to the arcades that contain row upon row of the mechanical ‘slot’ machines unique to Japan. The noise is overwhelming, and you can’t help but stand there and be transfixed. It’s serious business, and the manager who wanders the isles will quickly usher you out for trying to take photos. A Pachinko forever taints my love of British seaside arcades – which now pale in comparison.

A group of people gather outside a red stripped Pachinko slot machine venue in Tokyo, Japan with yellow Japanese wording

Visiting Tokyo is About RANDOM Finds and Situations

So there I was, taking a stroll in my quiet neighbourhood in the north-east of Tokyo – close to the Kasuga metro to be precise. It’s the kind of place that had tiny restaurant buildings with small doors, a few shops, and a small business district. It was a place of no particular interest that you could easily pass by, so I just continued meandering with no plan. Then, from a distance I saw twisting tracks of metal protruding from the top of an office tower, figuring it was a funky piece of architecture in this otherwise nondescript place. So I edged closer, thinking I had found something. For sure, it was just a roller coaster.

It turns out the Tokyo Dome City complex, which has various attractions, rides, shops and food courts, was just at the end of the road – randomly, in a residential and business area. You have to travel miles for that kind of thing back home! I guess it’s something to do on the way home from work.

A rollercoaster in a shopping mall in Tokyo, Japan

A Man in a costume of paper faces, lime green sunglasses and a pretend mobile phone stuck to his face demonstrates the random nature of Tokyo, Japan

A giant, metal spider art structure in Tokyo, Japan that sits outside an office and shopping centre building

Have you been to Tokyo? What else is there about the city that you think makes it so unique?

Day Tours in Tokyo

Without one Tokyo description to describe it all, it’s a city best experienced in a multitude of ways. From architecture walks and food indulgence to cultural experiences and city views, there’s plenty of ways to discover Tokyo and get under the surface of its kaleidoscope of personas.


Guide Books and Further Reading

Book a Hotel in Tokyo



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