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Red/Blue Campaign Turn 8 & The Last Battle


Turn 8 was to see the remains of the Bluvian Division C pursue the remnants of the Redinan 2nd Division to the Middle Bridge. Here Army Red turned and gave battle (Game 7).

Red had begun to cross the river but quickly drew up to guard the bridge

Blue stormed forward inflicting casualties from the off

Reds mad cavalry charge attempts to spike Blue's guns

Blue continues to rack up hits on Red's troops..

..and at the end of Turn 4 (!) Red is at Exhaustion Point! Unable to retreat they stand and fight

The battle raged on until..

..at Turn 9 Blue reached EP. Red had stopped the crossing but at a huge price.

The invasion of Bluvia by the Kingdom of Redina had failed. The King was forced to sue for peace. There is talk of Bluvian boffins designing fortifications for the river crossings and the Redinan military investing in pontoon bridges. Both states are hastily building railway connections to the border. How long the shaky peace lasts is debatable.  

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