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Danes becoming a minority in Denmark

The Death of the West

  • In the olden days Norsemen fought invaders. But today their spineless and ball-less descendants pass "resolutions" in parliament while leaving their borders (and welfare rolls) wide, wide open to illegal alien Muslims.

(Breitbart London)  -  The Folketing, Denmark’s unicameral parliament, has passed a resolution stating that Danes should not become minorities in Danish communities, as figures show the migrant and migrant-descended population are now a majority in Brøndby Strand and Odense.

“Parliament notes with concern that today there are areas in Denmark where the number of immigrants from non-Western countries and their descendants is over 50 percent,” the resolution states.

“It is parliament’s opinion that Danes should not be a minority in residential areas in Denmark.”

Denmark, like many other European countries, saw a surge in sexual assaults and harassment by migrants after they began to arrive in large numbers.

In the olden days Viking women could protect themselves.
Today the gelded men of northern Europe just look
on helplessly as their women are attacked.

Rafi Ibrahim, a Syrian who has been settled in Denmark for many years, told reporters that the new arrivals find it difficult to control themselves around Western women.

“If they see a girl, they go nuts. They simply can’t handle it,” he said.

“In Syria and many other countries, it is not normal for a strange woman to smile at you. Those girls who are harassed aren’t necessarily scantily-dressed or drunk. Sometimes it is enough just to be a girl.”

Danish immigration minister Inger Støjberg confessed in late 2016 that “integration in Denmark has failed”, following a damning report on criminality and unemployment in thirty-one increasingly migrant-dominated ghettoes.

“In my opinion it is because we have been too scared to set out clear demands to the people coming to Denmark,” she said.

Indigenous Britons were officially recorded as a minority in the nation’s capital for the first time in 2011, with just 44.9 per cent of Londoners identifying as “White British” in the 2011 census.

White Britons are also under 50 per cent of the population in Leicester, Luton, and Slough, with Manchester University researchers predicting that Birmingham, the UK’s second city, will soon follow suit.

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Welcome to open borders Denmark

If you dare to say out loud that your nation, language, religion and culture have the right to exist behind secure borders then both the open borders Right and the Left will tag you as a racist.

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