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Animal Crossing Tribute Part 3

Naomi held vigil over the Snowman,
shielding from the midday sun with her dainty frame. He lay slumped
where he had fallen - putting his wood worm riddled pumpkin drawers
out at the tip.

Half way through his third cup of
tea, it suddenly was as clear as the blue skies outside.

"If ever in doubt, give old Wolfie a shout." James repeated
the immortal words the fountain had given him. He slung his axe over
his shoulder, said farewell to Pinny and headed off to the Eagles
Dare mountain.As James climbed up the mountain with determination,
the weather grew colder until there was an icey chill. When he reached
the clearing he was already trudging through crisp snow, behind the
pine tree was Wolfie's cabin - a clear tribute to his days as Moriville's
finest poilceman. Sadly those days were over since a scrap with a
raging pig whilst on duty...

"Hello Wolfie." Panted

"Always a pleasure." Replied the grinning Wolfie, pleased
to have a visitor to his mountain abode.

James explained about Snowman, gradually regaining his breath and
composure. Wolfie listened intently and in silence, a habit from his
police days. He then retreated into his cabin.

"Leave it up to me." Wolfie calmly replied as he dialled
his mobile phone.

"Wendell? Wolfie. Good thanks friend. Listen I need a favour..."

On the way back down the mountain Wolfie explained about his walrus
friend Wendell and his connections in Penguin Airlines. A fleet of
thirty penguin jets had been mobilised to perform 'Operation Snow
Drop.' The spring returned to James legs as he wearily made his way
with Wolfie back down the winding mountain path.

It was with a great warmth Snowman greeted James upon his return.
Certainly warmer than the deep snow that lay deep around the town.
Wolfie kept his head down being somewhat outcast from Moriville since
the infamous run-in with Rasher and Hambo.

All the townsfolk had gathered to
see the commotion. Even the Mayor had taken time out from evicting
some rodents behind on their rent to greet the grinning Snowman.

"Snowman - I'm going to build you a giant freezer room so you
never need worry about melting again." Declared Bob, manager
of the out of town Denki Electrics sensing an opportunity to russle
up some business.

Naomi looked on lovingly. The goodfolk of Moriville cheered and everyone
slept well that night.

The end.

Meet James, Wolfie and the good folks of Moriville in our Animal Crossing section.

Genki would like to point out that no animals were harmed in he making of this story, although a freezer got a well needed defrost.

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