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Fleeing The Fires in California

As most of you know, there are numerous wildfires raging right now in California.  It is a challenge to decide whether to leave or stay put when the areas near your home are burning.  What we didn't anticipate was how many different fires there would be.  They have multiplied at an alarming rate. 

The reason I bought the cabin up in the mountains was to have a refuge someplace cooler to go in the brutally hot summers.  I wanted a location that wasn't so fire prone.  I had noticed that they were accelerating each year in Canyon Country.  Last year the Tick Fire was just a block from my cottage.  It made me nervous.  What if you couldn't get out in time?  I had images of people perishing in their cars in 2011.  We saw that happen in the tragic Paradise Fire, and now it is occurring once again.  

There is currently a fire about thirty miles from our beautiful village of Wrightwood.  It has been spreading rapidly.  I know how quickly the flames can travel.  It makes me afraid to go to sleep at night.  We only have one gas station in town, and there were ten people lined up to use the four pumps early this afternoon.  I got in needing half a tank when there was only one other man there.  It's important to have cash, too. 

I talk regularly with my friends and neighbors, and keep the car loaded up, ready to go at a moment's notice.  Fortunately, Lula and Snow White, (my chicken,) are experienced travelers.  They both enjoy car rides.  

My personal strategy is to leave early.  I don't wait to be evacuated.  Being caught in pandemonium would make me nervous and worried.  I would rather be safe than sorry.  Nothing would frighten me more than to be stuck in bumper to bumper traffic during a fast moving fire.  It's important to keep your gas tank full, your car in good repair, and to have plenty of clothing, food and water.    

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